Back to school…

I’m not sure where the summer went. I could summarize it, but there are many photos and a couple of videos that might do it better justice…

We traveled more than we expected, but had some wonderful highlights – at the boat, in Spring Lake, in Eganville, and at home in Chicago… We celebrated our nephew’s 1st birthday and had lots of opportunities to enjoy summer with our family and friends. We are so thankful!

The video that includes Maeve swimming by herself from the bottom of a very large water slide in 3’6″ water where she can’t touch is the most recent thing for which we are most proud. She also has rocked her recent doctors appointments in preparation for school – including her first eye drops.

Maeve will begin 2.5 hr/5 day/week preschool on Sept. 6. She will be joined by her neighbor and buddy Abby, and we hope it will be a really good year for her. She also will keep doing soccer and art, and will try Irish dance and swimming classes to build on her progress in the pool this summer!

As her 5th birthday approaches, it’s hard for us to find the words to express how amazed we are by Maeve. She is such a terrific, smart, playful girl and we love her more and more every day!!!