Measurements – 3/22/07

Weight – 14lbs. 12oz.

Length – 26 3/8″

Head – 17 3/8″

Her length and head circumference measurements put her in the 75th percentile – she is growing like a weed! Maeve was very brave for her shots and we got a great report at our six-month well-baby checkup tonight. She is right on target developmentally and her doctor was very impressed with her ability to scoot around on her back!

6 months old!

We can’t believe it but Maeve is six months old today! She and Zlatka had a great day and it was nice and warm for a walk this afternoon. Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl!

Artsy pose while playing with the ring toy

Also, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We had lots of fun celebrating at Chief O’Neill’s with Gwen and her parents this weekend. The photo gallery has been updated with all kinds of fun pictures! Check album dates to know which are most recent…

Website Snafu!

The website is mostly working, but the pictures linked to the thumbnails are corrupted. Please check out the photo gallery for pics of Maeve! She tried sweet potatoes today, so look for those funny pics in the First Foods folder soon…

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Daddy’s birthday! We had a fun weekend of celebrating St. Patty’s Day with friends on the south side… Maeve also tried her first avocado this weekend. We have posted pictures in the photo gallery!

Daddy and Maeve

First Cereal!

Maeve has had a busy few days. We had some fun visits over the weekend, when Christi and Martin came over for dinner on Saturday, and Amy and Mia Claire came over for a play date on Sunday. Maeve got to show off her new ABCs/123s playmat!

Christi and Martin with MaeveMaeve Callahan and Mia Claire = MC2Playmat

The biggest news of the weekend is that Maeve tried cereal for the first time and did really well with it. She wasn’t exactly sure that she liked it, but it was interesting enough to go back for more!

First Cereal 

Mommy’s first day back to work!

Our wonderful nanny, Zlatka started this week in preparation for Alexandra’s first day back to work. We had a few days together to get to know each other and Maeve loves her already!

 Zlatka, our nanny

Zlatka and Maeve had a great first full day today…and Mommy enjoyed her first day back very much. It couldn’t have gone any better…Maeve slept through the night and everyone at home and work was incredibly supportive. Thank you to everyone who has helped us through this transition – we really appreciate it!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is Grandma’s birthday and we are in Spring Lake to celebrate with her! Maeve wore her cashmere hat and sweater that Grandma knit for her…

 Grandma and Maeve

P.S. The photo gallery is up-to-date with pictures from Florida. Check the dates on the albums, as several contain new photos!

Five Months Old!

Today Maeve is 5 months old. This perfect traveler returned from her big adventure to Florida (complete with first airplane rides, first swim in a pool and even first dip of her toes in the Atlantic Ocean!) and we spent the day regrouping at home. We did document this milestone by taking imprints of her hand and foot for a keepsake frame – thanks Nanna and Grandad!

We will put our photos from the trip up in the gallery this week – stay tuned…

Maeve rolls over!

Last night Maeve rolled over from her back to her front for the first time! Mommy went into the kitchen to get the camera and came back to see Maeve on her tummy… She did it a few more times and again this morning though, so we know it wasn’t a fluke! She will no doubt have more opportunities to practice and show off while we are in Florida this coming week. Wish us luck with Maeve’s first airplane trip tomorrow! We will post pictures and details as soon as we return.


Well, they didn’t win, but Maeve enjoyed cheering for the Bears in the Superbowl…

Go Bears!

We had a busy day on Friday visiting mommy and daddy’s offices and attending playgroups. Today we had Aunt Megan and Uncle Pat over before the game.

Bears fans