A 6-year-old city kid

Dear Maeve,

We are so proud of the little girl you are – talented, smart, loving, coordinated, and enthusiastic. We had such a happy summer, enjoying trips to Michigan, summer camps at Lill Street and the Nature Museum, and pool and beach dates with our friends, among our many adventures. You took your first (and then many!) jumps off the diving board, bravely running right off without hesitation. You also mastered riding your bike without training wheels!

You planned your whole birthday party, helping me pick out everything, from Belle on your cake and princess plates & piƱata, to the art-themed activities and gifts for the guests! Your art work (especially your rainbows addressed to us and patterns) continues to inspire and impress us, and we promise to find ways to support and encourage your ability. Your confidence continued to blossom this year and it is such a joy to take you to the Chicago museums and attractions. Your current favs are the Shedd Aquarium, the zoos (Lincoln Park and Brookfield), and Garfield Park Conservatory. You walk around like you own the places!

You are now in Kindergarten and are adjusting so well already (despite the disruption of a 1.5 week strike). You are learning to navigate the school day and new routines, and Daddy and I are learning to navigate your new independence. I love that you still want me to hold your hand on the way to the door, but bravely go in without tears every day. I also love when you run off to play with Abby at pick-up without barely saying hello to me! We try to give you space and freedom of choices, but we are strict about manners and will always emphasize the importance of working hard. You can be quite a goofball though and continue to surprise us and make us laugh. We’ll eat you up we love you so!

You rocked your doctor’s appointments this week – only a flu mist and peeing in a cup at your check-up (no shots!) and were so brave during your teeth x-rays, which showed your 6-year molars hiding in there. The dentist told me that your bottom two front teeth and top two front teeth all are loose too! The tooth fairy is on alert. Check-up measurements: weight 38.5 lbs (10th); height 44.25″ (25-50th). We are so lucky to have our happy, healthy girl!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

One Reply to “A 6-year-old city kid”

  1. Dear Maeve,
    I’m so happy you live just down the road from me in Chicago. I especially loved when you came over for a sleepover and we bonded with Chaco! I love you a bushel and a peck!! xoxo
    Love, Aunt Katie

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