Boat trip with Nanna and Grandad

UPDATE: Our photos are posted in the gallery and my dad’s pictures can be viewed here!

So, Altman Summer Camp took a road trip hiatus to Nanna and Grandad’s boat for two weeks. This trip started off with a fun surprise party for Aunt Cinda and Uncle Bill’s 40th Wedding Anniversary! We met up with the Foley family in Charlevoix, MI at the end of June. We stayed with Nanna, Grandad and Duffy on the boat and saw members of the Foley, Anderson, Fitzpatrick, Arms and Thompson families for the special occasion.

On Monday after the party, Nanna, Grandad, Duffy, Maeve and I embarked on our boating journey (Daddy had to head back to Chicago for a week of work before his vacation could begin). Our journey that day was not ideal, with waves bigger (and more side to side) than we expected. Maeve did not enjoy “going up and down!” But we arrived safely in Leland, MI and spent several days in that marina, exploring the cute surrounding town and parks. Gail and Linda came to visit for dinner one night and we found some yummy jam and cute stores while we were there.

On Thursday of that week we traveled across Lake Michigan to Sturgeon Bay, WI. We were excited to make it to Wisconsin so that Chris could join us on the weekend and we could explore Door County. We had so many fun experiences there and didn’t even see/do it all in a week! We highly recommend the area and have specific dining and outing recommendations to share, especially if you have kids.

Here are some of the highlights of our Door County leg:

iPad – Maeve discovered Nanna’s newest Mac toy and did some amazing art work in both Doodle Buddy and Brushes.

Duffy – Maeve has reached a point where she is stronger and bigger than Duffy, so she requires more supervision to ensure that she is gentle with him as he grows older. But, she loves him dearly and lays on him and “doctors” him whenever she can!

Swimming – Maeve started the week by trying out her life jacket in the pool and found by the end of the week that she could float, jump in by herself and swim all the way to the ladder at the other end of the pool.

Dinghy – Maeve only had one outing in the dinghy this trip, and did so with Daddy and Grandad. She enjoyed touring around the marina and under the big bridge nearby, and visiting the tugboats in the area. She got to drive in circles and practice her skills for a bit as well.

Sturgeon Bay, WI – we stayed in Centerpointe Marina with its great heated pool and nice families. There were stores, restaurants and parks to walk to from here and it’s a cute little town to explore.

Door County – We had really good restaurant and excursion recommendations from family and friends who had been there. We took a day trip on the ferry to Washington Island and visited a neat rock beach. We also went to mini golf at Pirate’s Cove (Maeve loved it and went twice!) and a fish boil at the White Gull Inn. Two of Maeve’s favorite meals were at a bakery with a play area and a restaurant that delivers its food on a choo choo train! Of course, we all loved the old fashioned ice cream parlor in Ephraim with its chocolate malts.

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