Kicking off the holiday season in style…

We are officially in the holiday spirit now! We got our tree up and decorated last weekend, but Maeve did some extra special paper chains this weekend with her Grandma and Nanna. They were in town to take Maeve to the Walnut Room at Macy’s, where we sat under the big tree. We also rode the Holiday Train, an el train that is all lit up and decorated with a flat bed car for Santa and his reindeer. Maeve loved the “sparkly train!”

The rest of this week had been a busy one – we celebrated the first snow of the season which Maeve thought was delicious. She also had a great week at her Little Gym class – she was a great listener and is starting to participate with the teacher a bit on her own. This week she used the drum sticks and followed along with the instructions while I sat by the wall, and she did many straddle rolls all by herself throughout class! We have enjoyed playdates with friends and baking Christmas cookies too.

It snowed!This snow is great!Christmas cookies

The two major accomplishments of the week are that we moved Maeve into her new purple room, which was completed on Tuesday with the installation of the carpet, and she is wearing underwear and using the potty very consistently!

Lounging in her new room

Maeve immediately did somersaults on her new carpet and enjoyed running around her room before we moved the furniture in, and she hasn’t had any trouble adjusting to sleeping in there. I thought it was really funny that she woke up after the 1st night in her new room saying “there’s no S on the wall” (the alphabet animals in her nursery are not yet moved). We will add a mattress after Christmas so she can start to think about choosing to sleep in a big bed!

Maeve has been doing a great job using the potty at home and has begun to independently realize she has to go without us asking her. She even had her first successful public restroom experience at dinner with Nanna and me at Caro Mio on Friday night. She told me she had to go twice and did a great job both times! She pooped on the potty today and was awarded a candy cane even though it was breakfast time…we are so proud. We know that accidents will happen and I’m not looking forward to stopping more often on our upcoming car trips, but so far we are thrilled with how well it is going!

Our art class is over for the year, but we will start up again next month and will also be participating in a family ceramics class on Saturdays so that Chris can join us for one of Maeve’s favorite activities! We are off to Michigan next week to continue the Christmas celebrations… To all a good night .

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